Design Day 2023
Engineering Design Day 2023 showcases innovative design projects the undergraduate Engineering students create throughout their academic year. This event is a combination of the Engineering Senior Design classes in Aerospace Engineering, Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
For an in depth look at all of the senior design projects for 2023, please visit our digital 2023 Design Day booklet (PDF).
Engineering Design Day 2023 will be held in Montezuma Hall on May 3, 2023 from 1:30pm - 4:00pm (PST).
Please visit our College of Engineering Design Day website, which has an archive of all of our Engineering Design Day events
Design Day Projects
Project Description
A human space vehicle designed to take astronauts from Low Earth Orbit to the dwarf planet Ceres and return them back to Earth.
- Team Members: Kaylin Borders, Sean O'Neil, Angel De La Cruz, Bhavana Logan, Kuyper Daniel Villamil, Jessie Thompson, Jaden Lawlor, Cruz Betancourt, Carlos Guerrero, Ilan Perfecto, Fernando Suarez.
- Team Leader: Logan Kuyper.
- Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Bani Younes; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE
Project Description
As the number of manmade objects in near Earth orbit increases, there is a growing concern for collision resulting in catastrophic loss or the creation of runaway debris fields known as Kessler syndrome. To ensure the safety and feasibility of future space endeavors both manned and unmanned, preventative measures must be taken to avoid such catastrophe. This proposed space debris cleanup mission aims to illustrate a reliable and cost effective mission profile to remove a Russian SL-16 from orbit.
- Team Members: Chad Kennett, Evan Green, Emma Topolcsik, Jason Ruiz, Justin Lynch, Robbie Alazraqui, Samantha Keenan, Thomas Langston, Liam Mays, Carson Rendell, Tyler Hedglin.
- Team Leader: Charles Duddy.
- Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Bani Younes; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE

Aztec Aerospace Design
Project Description
Students in the Aerospace Engineering Department Senior Design course under advisement from Professor Geoffrey Butler engaged in the AIAA Hybrid Turboprop Aircraft design. This project was to design a full-scale Hybrid Turboprop Aircraft capable of a 1000 nautical mile range while reducing block fuel by 20% and a reduction in emissions.
- Team Members: Dylan Lake, Max Dommers, Benny Jaime, Dereck Chang, Marco Wende, Josh Bondoc, Jeremiah Pineda.
- Team Leader: Christian Okpysh
- Advisor: Prof. Geoffrey Butler; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: AE Department
Project Description
Establishing a Long Term Lunar Base -Return to the moon and exceed the precedent set by the Apollo program. -Deployment of a complete base to the lunar surface. -Long-term goals are the establishment of a permanent base on moon and a lunar infrastructure for manned mission to Mars. -Facilitate further landings and support scientific missions of greater duration and scope than what is otherwise possible with single landing missions.
- Team Members: Amanda Goering, Andre Azzopardi, Dragos Marian, Eddie Hasanagic, Irati de las Heras, Jarred Sampayan, Jasmine Beck, Jason Peng, Oskar Paredes, Tanner Coleman, William Van Beek.
- Team Leader: Luke Moolmuang
- Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Bani Younes; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE
- Cosmos Corp YouTube Video (Base Expansion)
- Cosmos Corp YouTube Video #2 (Solar Panels)
Project Description
Engineering design of a supersonic business jet. Includes aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, stability and control, performance, system, landing gear, and economic design.
- Team Members: Jacob Cervantes, Casey Johnston, Jaden Ly, Jeron Rollins, Zachary Burland, Vladislav Strelchik, Ryan Twitchell.
- Team Leader: Daniel Aguirre
- Advisor: Prof. Geoffrey Butler; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE
Project Design
The general mission is to send a data collection and analyzation probe to the asteroid Psyche in order to better understand the origins of the universe. We decided to specialize in the autonomous landing portion of this mission, as well as the flexible arm drill bit that will be utilized.
- Team Members: Olivia Cameron, Christopher Davami, Olivia Decaro, Luke Fernandes, Ian Happel, Catherine Le, Grant Manecke, Cesar Martinez, Casey Pascucci, Nelson Poole, Tanner Whitfield.
- Team Leader: Maverick Villon
- Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Bani Younes; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE
- Pew! Aerospace YouTube Video

Project Mothership
Project Description
Two teams will be part of this project. One team will be in charge of a drone that will take a glider to an altitude of 2km and be able to release it at that height. Another team will be in charge of designing said glider with the capability to be remote control piloted when needed. Additionally, this glider must have a 10:1 glide ratio, meaning it must fly a distance ten times the altitude it was lifted too.
- Team Members: Dominic Ulloa, Justin Caguioa, Ryan Twitchell, Jacob Cervantes, Maximilian Dommers, Tanner Harvey, Dylan Lake, Christian Okpysh, Jason Peng, Zane Powell.
- Team Leader: Jonathan Ochoa
- Advisor: Prof. Joseph Katz; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: AE Department

Project Description
Aerospace senior Senior Design Project. Designed, built, and tested an electric centrifugal pump for rocket engine applications. This pump utilizes an electric motor as opposed to turbine-driven pumps used in industry. Electric pumps are more efficient and less complex than turbopumps. We would be showcasing the design, actual hardware, and results from testing.
- Team Members: Sean Oneil, Daniel Villamil.
- Team Leader: Angel De La Cruz
- Advisor: Prof. Joseph Katz; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: AE Department
Project Design
A spacecraft mission concept of a 2 m aperture telescope capable of taking advantage of the solar gravitational lensing effect to take high-resolution images of exoplanets outside the solar system. The scientific value of our mission is to provide interstellar readings and higher-fidelity images in order to investigate possible life-bearing exoplanets located 25-30 pc away within a generation.
- Team Members: Andres Beltran, Omar Ortuno, Brian Castillo, Jonathan Ochoa, Joshua McDill, Zackary Skinner, Rezeile Mostrales, Justin Caguioa, Devin Ferreira, April Cierley, Zane Powell.
- Team Leader: Dominic Ulloa
- Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Bani Younes; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: SDSU Space Lab - AE

SDSU Silver Arrow
Project Description
An in-house design for an advanced pilot trainer jet meant to incorporate knowledge that we have learned at San Diego State University.
- Team Members: Evan Ranger, Frank Arebalo, Osvaldo Palomares, Bryan Chaiyasane, Ian Winkler, Lucas Oyos-Haynes.
- Team Leader: Alejandro Cuara
- Advisor: Prof. Geoffrey Butler; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: AE Department

The Plane Company
Project Description
Hybrid Electric Turboprop Regional Aircraft design in accordance with RFP set forth by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
- Team Members: Brain McRae, Kevin Garcia, William Axton, Steven Silverglate, Robert Villanueva, Tomas Mendoza.
- Team Leader: Elex Leary
- Advisor: Prof. Geoffrey Butler; San Diego State University
- Sponsor: AE Department