Design Day 2021
Please save the date for our Spring 2021 Virtual Engineering Design Day event which will be held via Zoom, on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, from 1:00pm-4:30pm.
You can register for the event by visiting:
As the event approaches, we will be posting the Aerospace projects that will be showcased at the Spring 2021 Virtual Engineering Design Day event, along with a project picture and description, a YouTube video link to students’ project presentations, as well as an individual Zoom link for visitors to interact virtually and ask questions of our students regarding their projects.
Please visit our College of Engineering Design Day website, which has an archive of all of our Engineering Design Day events.
Design Day Projects
Lunar Communications Satellites
American Space Solutions strives to provide reliable, efficient, and sustainable systems and products for the United States continued exploration in space. With the Lunar Communication Satellites ability to provide reliable, accelerated, and clear communication, companies are able to ensure a safer and more efficient way to transmit and receive information on the surface of the Moon. Our Lunar Communication Satellite is providing sustainable communications that will no longer rely on line of sight communications.
- Team Members: Chandler Berney, Kai Colligan, Jake Donerkiel, Nathan Machak, Joseph Randazzo, Byron Reese, Greyson Tracey;
Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Bani Younes - San Diego State University
Illuminating Reflectometer Instrumentation and Spectrometer (IRIS Lunar CubeSat)
The Illuminating Reflectometer Instrumentation and Spectrometer (IRIS) Lunar CubeSat will examine the presence of water ice in permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) and the recently discovered ferric mineral hematite in close proximity on the moon’s surface. IRIS will use powerful near infrared (IR) lasers to peer into the dark depths of PSRs while using a single aperture infrared spectrometer to investigate formations of hematite. This scientific research will ultimately help NASA’s Artemis Moon Program.
- Team Members: Ethan Christensen, Alan Kassab, Sanam Nagvekar, Sibi Radhakrishnan, Ryan Spohn, Michael Tran;
- Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Bani Younes - San Diego State University
- Zoom Link for AstroTech Space Systems
Video Link to Simulation: IRIS CubeSat - Flight Demonstration

Dynamico’s ATP Aircraft
Team Dynamico has designed an advanced pilot training aircraft suitable for training domestic and international pilots, to include air-to-air encounters as well as ground attack missions. With requirements modeled after the USAF Advanced Pilot Training Program, our complete preliminary design includes mass properties and structural analysis, aerodynamics including stability and control, performance analysis, and development and fielding cost projections. These results, and a description of the unique aspects of our design, will be presented.
- Team Members: Alberto Reyes, Adan Mora, Brandon Hubbard, Josh Jeppesen, Nicole Lyon, Ram Bernardo;
- Advisor: Geoffrey Butler - San Diego State University

Montezuma’s Revenge
CAS A-66 Eradicator
The A-66 was designed for a set of close air support missions that were outlined in a system requirements document that was given by Professor Butler for our senior design class. We then came up with the design of a canard aircraft to then complete the missions and meet all the requirements outlined in the system requirements document.
- Team Members: Zachary Cohn, Kendall Dizon, James Felix, Jacob Krugh, Brendan Lameiro, Collin Mandichak;
- Advisor: Geoffrey Butler - San Diego State University
LEO Debris Collection
This is a mission to send a swarm of satellites conforming to CubeSat specifications to track and collect debris in low-earth-orbit.
- Team Members: Mahmoud Alsharif, Leonel Canales III, Vic Canlas, Samantha Dotts, Wayne Maxwell, Julio Perez Carrillo, Daniel Woodman;
- Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Bani Younes - San Diego State University
As aspiring aerospace engineers, our field of study revolves around designs that primarily focus on spacecraft, aircraft, missiles, satellites and many more. We have decided to dedicate our design into proposing a geostationary satellite over Africa that will help us gain more information on the aspects surrounding the continuous change greenhouse gases play into climate change.
- Team Members: Logan Donaldson, Aldair Herrejon-Andrade, Jordan Johnson, Rejiryc Perez, Basma Radwan, Dosa Ty, Trevor Williams;
- Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Bani Younes - San Diego State University
- Zoom Link for San Diego State Space Command

Close Air Support Aircraft Design
Team SAJI is developing a 60,000-pound, single-seat, twin turbofan, full-scale close air support aircraft. This aircraft will be designed to carry several thousand pounds of ammunition and travel at substantial range to a target, while maintaining key performance, stability, maneuverability, and survivability requirements. Through limited iterative design of our aircraft, we were able to modify certain aspects to achieve the mission requirements necessary which will advance modern day close air support aircraft.
- Team Members: Sara Brandt, Jonathan Davami, Arad Gerami, Andy Hernandez, Joshua Olson, Itzel Salgado, Sahil Trivedi;
- Advisor: Geoffrey S. Butler - San Diego State University

Thunder Mifflin
Design of a Close Air Support (CAS) Aircraft: The A-44 Artemis
Thunder Mifflin is committed to delivering a product that will not only meet the needs of the Air Force today, but also for the next several decades. That has led us to develop the A-44 Artemis, a single seat, twin engined, all weather Close Air Support (CAS) aircraft that can replace the A-10 Thunderbolt II of The United States Air Force. The A-44 Artemis with its modern avionics and advanced technologies is capable of quickly entering hostile areas, loitering for an extended amount of time, and can provide cover for friendly forces on the ground by deploying lethal ordinance in close proximity to friendly forces.
- Team Members: Diego Chavez, Julian De Leon, Spencer Hartmann, Reyno Renolayan, Gina Pagano, Adrien Wisch;
- Advisor: Geoffrey Butler - San Diego State University
Low earth orbit, short wave infrared earth imaging satellite.
- Team members: Chandler Berney, Kai Colligan, Jake Donerkiel, Nathan Machak, Joseph Randazzo, Byron Reese, Greyson Tracey;
- Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Bani Younes - San Diego State University
- Zoom Link for Vornsand Systems