
Many thousands of dollars in scholarships are awarded to SDSU Engineering Students each year. Scholarship awards are based on many criteria, including:

  • Academic excellence
  • Career plans
  • Membership in organizations
  • Financial need
  • City/area of origin
  • Many others!

If you're serious about your education, don't assume you won't qualify for a scholarship!The vast majority of engineering scholarhips are administered through the University's Financial Aid and Scholarships Office on the SDSU campus. Visit their website often to search for and apply to scholarships.

Search and Apply for a Scholarship


The Department of Aerospace Engineering at San Diego State University is soliciting applicants for the 2014 SDSU Galactic Unite Borden scholarships. (Deadline extended to October 17)

Other Scholarships

A few engineering scholarships are not administered through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. These scholarhsips are advertised and awarded through the College's adademic departments. For information of these scholarships, check with your department office or on department bulletin boards throughout the College.