Dr. Roni Goldshmid

Assistant Professor
Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-1374
Professional Studies and Fine Arts - 443
5500 Campanile Drive
Website Links
Dr. Roni Goldshmid is an Assistant Professor in the Aerospace Engineering Department at San Diego State University. She received her B.S. at the University of California, Berkeley and her M.S. and Ph.D. at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She was named a Caltech Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow while completing her postdoctoral appointment at GALCIT and a Rising Star by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University (2022), authored three successful grants (ONR 2023, NSF 2019, ISF 2018) and received the Grinshpen Prize for Excellent Research in Environmental Engineering and Air Quality (2016). Dr. Goldshmid’s research interests and expertise include development of flow measurement techniques as well as solving fundamental and applied problems such as fluid-structure interactions, boundary layer flows, heat transfer, passive flow control, anomaly detection, complex terrain influence on fluid flow, scalar transport, and interpretation of imperfect empirical data using machine learning. Dr. Goldshmid is committed to diversity and outreach in STEM, as evidenced by her leadership roles in the Stories of Women in Fluids Initiative and more.
Areas of Specialization
Flow visualization, flow measurement techniques, turbulent boundary layers, atmospheric flows, experimental fluid mechanics, computer vision, and deep neural networks.