Dr. Krish Chilukuri

Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Engineering, Business Development, Operations Support
- US 11,859,578 B2 (2024), Thrust Reverser System for an Aircraft Propulsion System, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, HMJ Tapadar
- US 11,859,578 B2 (2023), Multi-Lobed Bullnose Ramp, R Chilukuri, HM Javed Tapadar
- US 11,788,488 B2 (2023), Featured Bullnose Ramp for a Thrust Reverser System, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, THM Javed
- US 11,718,409 B2 (2023), Nacelle with Independent Opening Thrust Reverser Section, R Chilukuri, J Ramlaoui, T Gormley
- 11,613,373 B2 (2023), Nozzle for a Thermal Anti-Icing system, C Radhakrishna, Y Patil, AB Saya, V Vanukuri
- US 11,566,583-B2 (2023), Fluid Scoop for a Thrust Reverser, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, HMJ Tapadar,
- US 11,408,342 B2 (2022), Swirl Anti-Icing Injector Head Nozzle Configurations, Y Patil, R Chilukuri, V Venkatareddy, A Saya
- US 11,078,871 (2021), Thrust Reverser System with Cascades, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
- US 11,002,188 (2021), Nozzle for Aircraft Propulsion System, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
- US 10,823,062 (2021), Sweeping Jet Swirl Nozzle, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
- US 10,458,275 (2019): Nacelle Inner Lip Skin with Heat Transfer Augmentation Features.
- US 6,354,538 (2002): Passive Control of Hot Air Injection for Swirling Rotational Type Anti-Icing System
Technical Papers:
- Chilukuri, R, “Inviscid, Incompressible, Axisymmetric, Annular Jet Impingement”, J. Fluids Eng., 142 (8), 2020 ASME
- Chilukuri, Krish, “Inviscid, Axisymmetric, Annular Wall Jet Impingement as an Idealization of Cascade Thrust Reversers”, ASME AJK Fluids 2019.
- Chilukuri, Krish, “Curved Duct Flow and Heat Transfer in Engine Anti-Icing”, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0406), https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-0406.
- Chilukuri, Krish, “Sound pressure level in thrust reversers”, 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 4020, 1998
- Yetter, Jeffrey, Asbury, Scott, Larkin, Michael, Chilukuri, Krish, Static performance of several novel thrust reverser concepts for subsonic transport applications, 32nd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2649, 1996,
- Chilukuri, R.D. Blevins, Fluid-Structure Interaction: Laminar Incompressible Flow Past Transversely Vibrating Cylinders, 89-WA/FE-5, Some Unanswered Questions in Fluid Mechanics, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1989
- Chilukuri, D.A. Steininger, Y. Hassan, “Utilization of Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Turbulence for Evaluation of Flow Induced Vibration in Heat Exchangers”, International Conference on Advanced Computers for Dynamics and Design, 1989, JSME
- Chilukuri, M.K. Au-Yang, S.S. Chen, S. Kaneko, “Flow-Induced Vibration – 1989”, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP Vol 154), Honolulu, Hawaii, 1989, ASME
- Chilukuri, R, “Incompressible Laminar Flow Past a Transversely Vibrating Cylinder”, J. Fluids Eng, 109, 2, 166-171, 1987, ASME
- Chilukuri, R, “Added mass and damping for cylinder vibrations within a confined fluid using deforming finite elements”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 109, 3, 283-288, 1987, ASME
- R Chilukuri, JH Stuhmiller, DA Steininger, “Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Buffeting Forces in Steam Generator Tube Banks”, Int. Conf. on Flow Induced Vibration, Bowness-on-Windermere, England, pp. 19-28, 1987, BHRA
- R Chilukuri, JH Stuhmiller, DA Steininger, “Numerical simulation of turbulence deep within heat exchanger tube bundles”, ASME Symp. Flow Induced Vibrations, PVP Vol 122, 1987, ASME
- Sargis, D.A., Chilukuri, R, Stuhmiller, J.H., “Factorized implicit solution technique for calculation of flow in reactor components”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 55, 1987
- Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Stanley Middleman, “Cleaning of a Rough Rigid Surface: Removal of a Dissolved Contaminant by Convection‐Enhanced Diffusion and Chemical Reaction”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 131, 5, 1169-1173, 1984,
- Chilukuri, D. Aeling, S. Middleman, “Removal of a Thin Liquid Film from a Flat Surface Using an Axisymmetric Impinging Jet”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 106, 2, 223-226, 1984, ASME
- Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Stanley Middleman, “Circulation, Diffusion, and Reaction Within a Liquid Trapped In a Cavity”, Chemical Engineering Communications, 22, 4-Mar, 127-138, 1983, Taylor & Francis
- Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Joseph A.C. Humphrey, “Numerical computation of buoyancy-induced recirculation in curved square duct laminar flow”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 24, 2, 305–314, 1981, Elsevier
- Yee, R. Chilukuri, J. A. C. Humphrey, “Developing flow and heat transfer in strongly curved ducts of rectangular cross section”, J. Heat Transfer, 102, 2, 285-291, 1981, ASME
- Chilukuri, R, Humphrey, JAC, “Numerical computation of buoyancy-induced recirculation in curved duct laminar flow”, Momentum and Heat Transfer Processes in Recirculating Flows, 27-34, 1980,
- R Chilukuri, RH Pletcher, “Numerical solutions to the partially parabolized Navier-Stokes equations for developing flow in a channel”, Numerical Heat Transfer, 3, 2, 169-188, 1980,