Dr. Krish Chilukuri

Dr. Krish Chilukuri

Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering



Primary Email: [email protected]


5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182

Areas of Expertise

Engineering, Business Development, Operations Support



  1. US 11,859,578 B2 (2024), Thrust Reverser System for an Aircraft Propulsion System, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, HMJ Tapadar
  2. US 11,859,578 B2 (2023), Multi-Lobed Bullnose Ramp, R Chilukuri, HM Javed Tapadar
  3. US 11,788,488 B2 (2023), Featured Bullnose Ramp for a Thrust Reverser System, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, THM Javed
  4. US 11,718,409 B2 (2023), Nacelle with Independent Opening Thrust Reverser Section, R Chilukuri, J Ramlaoui, T Gormley
  5. 11,613,373 B2 (2023), Nozzle for a Thermal Anti-Icing system, C Radhakrishna, Y Patil, AB Saya, V Vanukuri
  6. US 11,566,583-B2 (2023), Fluid Scoop for a Thrust Reverser, R Chilukuri, AB Saya, HMJ Tapadar,
  7. US 11,408,342 B2 (2022), Swirl Anti-Icing Injector Head Nozzle Configurations, Y Patil, R Chilukuri, V Venkatareddy, A Saya
  8. US 11,078,871 (2021), Thrust Reverser System with Cascades, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
  9. US 11,002,188 (2021), Nozzle for Aircraft Propulsion System, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
  10. US 10,823,062 (2021), Sweeping Jet Swirl Nozzle, Chilukuri, Radhakrishna
  11. US 10,458,275 (2019): Nacelle Inner Lip Skin with Heat Transfer Augmentation Features.
  12. US 6,354,538 (2002): Passive Control of Hot Air Injection for Swirling Rotational Type Anti-Icing System

Technical Papers:

  1. Chilukuri, R, “Inviscid, Incompressible, Axisymmetric, Annular Jet Impingement”, J. Fluids Eng., 142 (8), 2020 ASME
  2. Chilukuri, Krish, “Inviscid, Axisymmetric, Annular Wall Jet Impingement as an Idealization of Cascade Thrust Reversers”, ASME AJK Fluids 2019.
  3. Chilukuri, Krish, “Curved Duct Flow and Heat Transfer in Engine Anti-Icing”, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0406), https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-0406.
  4. Chilukuri, Krish, “Sound pressure level in thrust reversers”, 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 4020, 1998
  5. Yetter, Jeffrey, Asbury, Scott, Larkin, Michael, Chilukuri, Krish, Static performance of several novel thrust reverser concepts for subsonic transport applications, 32nd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2649, 1996,
  6. Chilukuri, R.D. Blevins, Fluid-Structure Interaction: Laminar Incompressible Flow Past Transversely Vibrating Cylinders, 89-WA/FE-5, Some Unanswered Questions in Fluid Mechanics, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1989
  7. Chilukuri, D.A. Steininger, Y. Hassan, “Utilization of Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Turbulence for Evaluation of Flow Induced Vibration in Heat Exchangers”, International Conference on Advanced Computers for Dynamics and Design, 1989, JSME
  8. Chilukuri, M.K. Au-Yang, S.S. Chen, S. Kaneko, “Flow-Induced Vibration – 1989”, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP Vol 154), Honolulu, Hawaii, 1989, ASME
  9. Chilukuri, R, “Incompressible Laminar Flow Past a Transversely Vibrating Cylinder”, J. Fluids Eng, 109, 2, 166-171, 1987, ASME
  10. Chilukuri, R, “Added mass and damping for cylinder vibrations within a confined fluid using deforming finite elements”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 109, 3, 283-288, 1987, ASME
  11. R Chilukuri, JH Stuhmiller, DA Steininger, “Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Buffeting Forces in Steam Generator Tube Banks”, Int. Conf. on Flow Induced Vibration, Bowness-on-Windermere, England, pp. 19-28, 1987, BHRA
  12. R Chilukuri, JH Stuhmiller, DA Steininger, “Numerical simulation of turbulence deep within heat exchanger tube bundles”, ASME Symp. Flow Induced Vibrations, PVP Vol 122, 1987, ASME
  13. Sargis, D.A., Chilukuri, R, Stuhmiller, J.H., “Factorized implicit solution technique for calculation of flow in reactor components”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 55, 1987
  14. Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Stanley Middleman, “Cleaning of a Rough Rigid Surface: Removal of a Dissolved Contaminant by Convection‐Enhanced Diffusion and Chemical Reaction”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 131, 5, 1169-1173, 1984,
  15. Chilukuri, D. Aeling, S. Middleman, “Removal of a Thin Liquid Film from a Flat Surface Using an Axisymmetric Impinging Jet”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 106, 2, 223-226, 1984, ASME
  16. Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Stanley Middleman, “Circulation, Diffusion, and Reaction Within a Liquid Trapped In a Cavity”, Chemical Engineering Communications, 22, 4-Mar, 127-138, 1983, Taylor & Francis
  17. Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Joseph A.C. Humphrey, “Numerical computation of buoyancy-induced recirculation in curved square duct laminar flow”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 24, 2, 305–314, 1981, Elsevier
  18. Yee, R. Chilukuri, J. A. C. Humphrey, “Developing flow and heat transfer in strongly curved ducts of rectangular cross section”, J. Heat Transfer, 102, 2, 285-291, 1981, ASME
  19. Chilukuri, R, Humphrey, JAC, “Numerical computation of buoyancy-induced recirculation in curved duct laminar flow”, Momentum and Heat Transfer Processes in Recirculating Flows, 27-34, 1980,
  20. R Chilukuri, RH Pletcher, “Numerical solutions to the partially parabolized Navier-Stokes equations for developing flow in a channel”, Numerical Heat Transfer, 3, 2, 169-188, 1980,